A retrospective study - Pediatric and adolescent females are at higher risk of adnexal torsion recurrence
Published On: 25 Mar, 2022 12:08 PM | Updated On: 19 May, 2024 3:16 AM

A retrospective study - Pediatric and adolescent females are at higher risk of adnexal torsion recurrence

Limited data exist on the Recurrence of adnexal torsion (rAT). Normal and small appearing ovaries are found to have an increased risk for rAT. However, updated data of larger cohorts are scarce. A recent study investigated the predictors for rAT in women with a history of surgical intervention for primary adnexal torsion (pAT).

Women with a primary occurrence of surgically proven adnexal torsion were included in the study. Comparison between those who had experienced rAT was done with those who had not. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to analyze independent predictors for rAT.

The results were described as follows-

  • 358 women were included in the study. 
  • 9.8% of women had a rAT. 
  • Women with rAT were younger (mean age 26 vs. 30 years). Women with rAT demonstrated a smaller mean ovarian cyst diameter in the pAT episode (42 vs. 59 mm).
  • Performance of laparoscopic detorsion was only associated with rAT, whereas the performance of additional cystectomy was negatively associated with rAT. 
  • Age ≤15 and smaller cyst diameter at pAT were found to be independently associated with the risk for rAT.

Adolescents and pediatric females and women with smaller ovarian cysts at pAT possess a higher risk for future recurrence of adnexal torsion.

SOURCE: J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2022 Mar;48(3):838-842

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