AIIMS Delhi Achieves Unprecedented Milestone: Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty Successfully Performed on Three-Month-Old Infant

AIIMS Delhi Achieves Unprecedented Milestone: Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty Successfully Performed on Three-Month-Old Infant

New Delhi witnessed a momentous achievement as the Department of Pediatric Surgery at AIIMS, New Delhi, accomplished a groundbreaking milestone by conducting Bilateral Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty on a three-month-old baby. This remarkable feat establishes a new global record for the youngest patient to undergo this intricate procedure.

The doctors skillfully performed the rare and challenging laparoscopic surgery on the infant, which yielded positive outcomes. The baby suffered from a congenital condition that obstructed the urinary tract, impairing the normal flow of urine from the kidneys to the bladder. The surgical team meticulously reconstructed the obstructed ureteropelvic junction using advanced techniques, including microscopic sutures and fine instruments. Notably, the application of magnified video-assisted technology greatly enhanced the visualization capabilities of the surgeons, facilitating precise navigation through the intricate anatomy of the young patient. This remarkable achievement in pediatric surgery reflects AIIMS Delhi's expertise and innovation in delivering exceptional healthcare to the youngest and most vulnerable patients.

Highlighting the importance of this remarkable milestone, Dr. Vishesh Jain, the surgical team lead, underscored the advancements made in pediatric surgery, stating, "The successful completion of Bilateral Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty on a three-month-old infant truly exemplifies the progress we have achieved. This achievement reflects the unwavering dedication and exceptional expertise of our team, further reinforcing AIIMS' steadfast commitment to delivering state-of-the-art healthcare across all age groups."

Continuously pushing the boundaries of medical progress, the Department of Pediatric Surgery at AIIMS, New Delhi, is led by Prof. M. Bajpai, Head of the Department and Dean, and Prof. M. Srinivas, Director, a renowned pediatric surgeon. Their visionary leadership drives the department's unwavering commitment to advancing medical breakthroughs in the field of pediatric surgery.

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