In a groundbreaking achievement, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) has successfully implemented an innovative ABHA-based app to streamline the waiting time for OPD patients. This remarkable initiative has garnered impressive results, positioning AIIMS New Delhi at the forefront of medical institutions by issuing a staggering 73,700 ABHA-based scans and sharing OPD tokens to date.
Implementing the Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA)-based scan and share facility has revolutionized the patient experience at AIIMS. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, the hospital has effectively tackled the perennial issue of long waiting times in outpatient departments. Through the intuitive ABHA-based app, patients can now expedite their consultations and reduce their overall waiting time.
The ABHA-based app utilizes advanced algorithms to efficiently scan and share essential patient information, ensuring a seamless and secure process. By eliminating the need for manual paperwork and lengthy administrative procedures, this digital solution has significantly enhanced the efficiency of OPD operations.
AIIMS New Delhi's remarkable accomplishment is a testament to the success of the ABHA-based app. Patients can now access medical care promptly, alleviating their concerns and providing peace of mind. This achievement sets a benchmark for other medical institutions worldwide, encouraging the adoption of similar technological advancements to enhance patient care.
Dr. M Srinivas, the Director of AIIMS New Delhi, has expressed his utmost enthusiasm regarding the significant positive impact of this technology on patient care. He emphasized the hospital's unwavering commitment to continually enhancing the patient experience at AIIMS New Delhi. Dr. Srinivas stated, "Our primary objective is to consistently improve the overall patient experience at AIIMS New Delhi. The implementation of the ABHA-based Scan and Share facility enables us to effectively reduce waiting times and simplify the registration process, ultimately ensuring a more convenient and hassle-free experience for our valued patients."
The ABHA-based app's implementation at AIIMS New Delhi marks a turning point in the healthcare industry, showcasing the potential of artificial intelligence in transforming patient services. With this remarkable milestone, AIIMS has reaffirmed its commitment to delivering world-class healthcare by harnessing the power of innovative technologies.
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