Antioxidant Supplementation in Children
Published On: 06 Sep, 2021 7:15 PM | Updated On: 01 Apr, 2025 5:04 AM

Antioxidant Supplementation in Children

Children have developing immune system with a greater frequency and intensity of infection than adults. They require adequate nutrients for proper growth and development of immunity. In this video Dr Suchit Suresh Tamboli talks about the importance of antioxidant supplementation in children.

Dr. Suchit Tamboli

Dr. Suchit Suresh Tamboli is a Consultant Pediatrician PhD Pediatrics, FIAP, MBBS, DCH, PGDAP, PGDMLS Developmental Pediatrician at Chiranjiv Clinic Founder and Director Child Development Centre Maharashtra and National Chairperson IAP Growth, Development and Behavioral Pediatrics Chapter 2014-15.


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