Are cardiac patients at risk of nephropathy?
Written By: user Dr. Suman Kirti
Published On: 04 Nov, 2021 5:56 PM | Updated On: 13 Mar, 2025 11:28 PM

Are cardiac patients at risk of nephropathy?

In this video, Dr. Suman Kirti, Endocrinologist, Holy Family Hospital, New Delhi, will discuss that if patients at risk of cardiovascular disease or nephropathy, then what is the other substitute for ACE inhibitors or ARBs. In such patients, treatment with calcium channel blockers (CCB) are given. Nowadays, calcium channel blockers are more advanced and the drugs act centrally thus reducing the central blood pressure. Dr. Suman will describe the advantage of reducing the central blood pressure. Hence CCB are preferred when ACE inhibitors and ARBs cannot be used as it improves the renal blood flow as well cardiac blood flow. Dr. Suman will also talk about different CCBs which are used in renal failure.


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