Aspiration of Endometrial Cavity with Diosmin Intake in ART Cycles
Published On: 17 May, 2024 2:28 AM | Updated On: 17 May, 2024 2:28 AM

Aspiration of Endometrial Cavity with Diosmin Intake in ART Cycles

A recent study focused on the occurrence of endometrial cavity fluid in Assisted reproductive technique (ART) cases.

This was a prospective randomized controlled trial conducted from 2013 to 2021 at a private fertility center, which involved studying 200 cases with endometrial cavity fluid on the day of oocyte retrieval. The cases were divided into two groups – the control group (Group 1) and the interventional group (Group 2). Group 1 received conventional management and underwent transvaginal ultrasound on day 5, whereas Group 2 had the fluid aspirated and was given diosmin 500 mg three times a day until reassessment on embryo transfer day. Both groups proceeded with fresh embryo transfer if no fluid was present on day 5, or a freeze-all policy was adopted if persistent fluid was detected.

It was noted that endometrial fluid on the 5th day was significantly lower in the interventional group (6.0%) compared to the control group (28.0%). Meanwhile, the pregnancy rate was slightly higher in the interventional group (54.3% vs. 50.0%). However, the difference was not statistically significant. The intervention was associated with a reduced risk of endometrial fluid.

It was concluded that aspirating endometrial cavity fluid with diosmin intake increased the likelihood of fresh embryo transfer and resulted in a slightly improved pregnancy rate compared to conservative management.

Source: Saad AS, Mohamed KA. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India. 2023 Aug 31:1-7.

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