Can the general public help in preventing the spread of AMR?
Written By: user Dr. Sunil Gupta
Published On: 19 Nov, 2021 11:04 AM | Updated On: 26 Mar, 2025 5:58 AM

Can the general public help in preventing the spread of AMR?

In this video, Dr. Sunil Gupta, Additional Director, NCDC, will discuss whether the general public can help in preventing spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The general public is also responsible for AMR concern. In India, antibiotics and antimicrobials are available over the counter, hence the misuse. He will also talk on schedule H1 drugs which has been implemented but due to lack of awareness, it is not been followed by pharmacists everywhere. General public should be aware of AMR and not indulge in self-medication. Many a times, people are aware of antibiotics are specific conditions and purchase it from chemists and start self-medication which need to be prohibited.


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