Can we use syringe needles for doing finger blood sugar test?
Written By: user Dr. Sunil Dargar
Published On: 04 Jan, 2022 10:45 PM | Updated On: 07 Mar, 2025 7:49 AM

Can we use syringe needles for doing finger blood sugar test?

In this video, Dr. Sunil Dargar, MBBS, MD, Pathologist, New Delhi, will discuss whether we can use syringe needle for doing finger blood sugar test? Many a times, the laboratories faces the dilemma whether to do a blood sugar test by a finger prick or if lancet is not available then can we use a syringe needle. The answer to this question is No. Dr. Dargar informs it is not a feasible and preferred choice because capillary blood is required for testing which can be achieved only by a lancet. He will also explain the reason as to why only lancet is used and not the syringe needle. Thus, for accurate results lancet is the preferred choice.


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