Clinical Profile of Children with Adenovirus Infection
Published On: 26 Sep, 2024 11:48 AM | Updated On: 26 Sep, 2024 12:00 PM

Clinical Profile of Children with Adenovirus Infection

A recent study describes the clinical profile and factors affecting mortality of children affected with adenovirus infection. It highlights

  • Out of 527 screened children, a significant number of children (130) with a median age of 18 months, had adenovirus infection. 
  • Most (84.5%) of the children were aged below 5 years. 
  • A significant number of children (41.33%) required intensive care admission. 
  • 75%, 74.62% and 20% of children showed radiological evidence of pneumonia, multisystem involvement and non-respiratory illness, respectively.
  • Complications associated with Adenovirus Infection were acute respiratory distress syndrome, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, left ventricular dysfunction, acute liver cell failure, acute kidney injury, and multiorgan dysfunction (in an ascending order). 
  • Overall mortality was 13%. 
  • Factors that may be significantly associated with death were acute kidney injury, left ventricular dysfunction and pancytopenia.

This study shows that Multisystem involvement is frequent in children presenting with adenovirus infection. Non-respiratory presentation can be seen in one in every five children with adenovirus infection. 

Varadarajan P, Subramanian R, Srividya G, et al. Clinical Profile of Children with Adenovirus Infection – A Hospital-based Observational study. Indian Pediatrics. 2024 [E-PUB AHEAD OF PRINT]


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