Correlating Menstrual Disorder with Body Mass Index and Physical Activity
Published On: 07 Mar, 2024 1:00 PM | Updated On: 07 Mar, 2024 1:07 PM

Correlating Menstrual Disorder with Body Mass Index and Physical Activity

Many women experience disruptions in their menstrual cycles at different stages of life. The occurrence of such irregularities is influenced by two primary factors – body mass index (BMI) and level of physical activity. 

A new study aimed to explore the correlation between physical activity and BMI and menstrual disorders and to outline effective investigative and treatment approaches.

This cross-sectional study was conducted among 502 women from Uttar Pradesh, India, from 2021 to 2023. Participants were selected using purposive sampling techniques. Data analysis was performed using Pearson’s Chi-square test via MS Excel 2013 and IBM SPSS (240) software. 

The average age of participants was 25.84 years, with mean weight, height, and BMI recorded as 60.29 kg, 155.34 cm, and 25.36, respectively. Regular menarche was reported by 68.92% of participants. The most prevalent menstrual disorders observed were premenstrual syndrome (PMS), affecting 41.63% of participants, and dysmenorrhea, affecting 28.29%. Among different BMI categories, a higher incidence of disorders was observed in obese (94.87%) and underweight (93.62%) individuals. Similarly, among various physical activity levels, a higher prevalence of disorders was noted in low and high activity groups. Significantly, menstrual disorders were associated with BMI and physical activity.

The findings indicate a significant relationship between menstrual disorders and both BMI and physical activity levels in women. Therefore, women should maintain a balanced, nutritious diet and engage in moderate physical activity to enhance their reproductive health and overall quality of life.

Source: Dwivedi D, Singh N, Gupta U. J Obstet Gynecol India. 2024;74:80-87.

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