COVID protocol 37: Inhaled steroids for covid respiratory symptoms
Published On: 26 Apr, 2021 2:11 PM | Updated On: 15 May, 2024 4:51 PM

COVID protocol 37: Inhaled steroids for covid respiratory symptoms

After the discussions that took place in the Confederation of Medical Association in Asia & Oceania (CMAAO) followed by the round table at Heart Care Foundation of India (HCFI-RT), the following Sutra (Sutra 4) was passed. This now becomes a part of Dr. K. K. Aggarwal's Covid protocol no. 36, i.e. control the inflammation by Day 3 and thrombo-inflammation by Day 5 of Covid-19.

Covid inflammation is at its peak on Day 3 - pneumonia occurs, time for CT scan, CRP is at its peak, and TH1 response inflammation occurs.

By Day 5, if inflammation is not targeted, one may develop TH17 response, neutrophil recruitment, and thrombo-inflammation.

Bring CRP to <5 by Day 5. If this target is missed, try to bring CRP to <10 by Day 10. If even this target is not attainable, then the prognosis is poor.

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