Factors influencing post-operative growth in pre-pubertal children after adenotonsillectomy
Published On: 17 Jun, 2023 1:07 PM | Updated On: 17 Jun, 2023 3:23 PM

Factors influencing post-operative growth in pre-pubertal children after adenotonsillectomy

A new study examined the impact of adenotonsillectomy on growth-for-age in pre-pubertal children and identify factors that influence this change.

This was a retrospective cohort study, wherein data from 206 pediatric patients who underwent adenotonsillectomy from January 2011 to December 2014 were analyzed. The z-scores for height, weight, and body mass index (BMI)-for-age were assessed at baseline and one year post surgery. 

It was found that 167 children had normal growth, 19 showed undergrowth, and 20 were obese. Post-surgically, height, weight, and BMI z-scores increased significantly in both the normal-growth group and the undergrowth group. However, in the obese group, only the height z-score showed a significant increase. Further, the sleep disturbance domain of the Korean version of the obstructive sleep apnea-18 questionnaire (OSA-18) was positively associated with change in height z-score, while age was negatively associated with the change in weight z-score. Pre-operative BMI z-score negatively associated, whereas, adenoid grade positively associated with the change in BMI z-score.

It was inferred that adenotonsillectomy positively impacts growth in pre-pubertal children without causing undesirable weight gain. The sleep disturbance domain of OSA-18 may be useful in predicting the increase in height following surgery in pre-pubertal children.

Source: Han SC, Yang SK, Han SY, et al. Investigating factors influencing post-operative growth in pre-pubertal children after adenotonsillectomy. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 2023 Jan 19:1-8.

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