WHO declares Global Health Emergency -India’s first case of Coronavirus in Kerala
Written By: user Dr. KK Aggarwal
Published On: 16 Nov, 2021 6:01 AM | Updated On: 26 Mar, 2025 7:19 PM

WHO declares Global Health Emergency -India’s first case of Coronavirus in Kerala

The First positive Case of Coronavirus in India

Over the past week, the headlines of every newspaper and breaking news of every news channels are covered by the Coronavirus. Till date, at least 200 people have succumbed from this virus and has spread to other countries with around 98 cases being reported in 18 countries other than China.

The outbreak of Coronavirus has been declared as a Global Emergency by the World Health Organization. World Health Organization is concerned that the Coronavirus would spread to the countries which have a weaker health system.

These countries do not have the means and measures to spot and contain the Coronavirus. Therefore, there is a constant fear that this virus would spread uncontrollably.

What is Coronavirus?

These family of virus comprises of strains that are responsible for causing the likely fatal diseases in birds and mammals. The airborne bead of fluid from the infected individual is the reason for humans getting infected by Coronavirus.

The Wuhan Coronavirus or 2019-nCov is titled because of the crown-like shape the virus takes due to the spike proteins. The Coronavirus is from the family of viruses causing Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). Both SARS and MERS have unfortunately taken the lives of many people.

The Coronavirus is believed to be originated from Wuhan, China, as many of those who were infected by the Coronavirus either worked or shopped at the Seafood Market in Wuhan, China.

Image Source -NPR

The Symptoms to looks for

The most typical indication of being infected by Coronavirus is similar to any respiratory infection that of common cold Breathing problems, fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose.

he lab tests would confirm whether the patient showing these symptoms has been infected by the Coronavirus. As per a new study on Coronavirus, the incubation period for this virus is around five days.

The First positive Case of Coronavirus in India

India is considered as one of the top 30 countries which are at a high-risk from the spread of the Coronavirus. Like the confirmed cases in Thailand, Japan, Hongkong, India too confirmed it’ first Coronavirus victim who was reported from the southern part of India, i.e. from Thrissur, Kerala.

The patient is a young female student who was studying medicine at a University in the City of Wuhan, China. She was among the five students who had come to the hospital to get themselves checked as soon as they returned from Wuhan, China. According to the reports, the student was immediately hospitalised as she had developed the symptoms of sore throat and fever. She was tested positive for the Coronavirus and at the same time was quarantined in isolation in a Thrissur Hospital. Her condition is believed to be stable as of now.

Precautions to be taken against the Coronavirus

People can take necessary precautionary measures like cleaning your hands thoroughly and frequently with soap or an alcohol-based rub. 

The basic manners of covering the mouth with tissue or elbow while sneezing or coughing. Completely stop eating raw or undercooked animal products. 

Avoid contact with wild or farm animals. Advisable to keep a distance from people showing the symptoms of cold, fever For those people who have travelled to China in the past weeks and would have likely been in contact with Coronavirus Patients. They need to take extra precautions. It is preferred that they stay in isolation and avoid contact with family members.

They should not allow any visitors, and if they develop the symptoms of the Coronavirus, they should immediately get themselves admitted to the hospital and get quarantined and get the proper treatment.

Dr. KK Aggarwal

Recipient of Padma Shri, Vishwa Hindi Samman, National Science Communication Award and Dr B C Roy National Award, Dr Aggarwal is a physician, cardiologist, spiritual writer and motivational speaker. He was the Past President of the Indian Medical Association and President of Heart Care Foundation of India. He was also the Editor in Chief of the IJCP Group, Medtalks and eMediNexus

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