
FullPIERS model for predicting adverse maternal outcomes in women with preeclampsia

Published On: 14 Mar, 2024 12:32 PM | Updated On: 14 Mar, 2024 12:45 PM

FullPIERS model for predicting adverse maternal outcomes in women with preeclampsia

Preeclampsia (PE) and various hypertensive disorders complicate approximately 10% of pregnancies globally and pose a significant risk to maternal health. PE is particularly associated with elevated rates of near-miss maternal morbidity and mortality. The Preeclampsia Integrated Estimate of Risk Scoring (PIERS) model helps monitor and stratify risk in women with preeclampsia. The present study assessed adverse maternal outcomes using the fullPIERS risk prediction model in women diagnosed with preeclampsia.

Among the 150 enrolled women with preeclampsia, the fullPIERS score of 35 emerged as the optimal threshold for predicting adverse maternal outcomes. Approximately 36.6% of the women experienced adverse maternal outcomes, including one maternal death. The relative risk for predicting adverse maternal outcomes in women with a fullPIERS score of ≥ 35 was 4.6, and the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was 0.854.

This research underscores that in women diagnosed with preeclampsia, a fullPIERS score of ≥ 35 is significantly associated with adverse maternal outcomes. The findings emphasize the potential utility of the fullPIERS model as a valuable tool for risk assessment and management in this high-risk population.

Sagar U, Singh R, Asnani M, et al. Prediction of adverse maternal outcome in women with preeclampsia using fullPIERS model: observations from a tertiary care hospital. The New Indian Journal of OBGYN.2023;10(1):18-22


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