How do you set up a skill lab? What are the prerequisites?
Published On: 30 Nov, 2021 3:29 PM | Updated On: 13 Mar, 2025 10:25 PM

How do you set up a skill lab? What are the prerequisites?

In this video, Dr. Pawanindra Lal, Director, Professor of Surgery, Maulana Azad Medical College, will talk about the prerequisites of setting up a skill lab. A space is needed for the set up along with certain paraphernalia, gadgets, equipment and also a devoted staff. The main thing is a person is required who will run the skills lab. He explains that a person has to give more time and the passion for teaching is very important. Skill labs are very challenging so a dedicated person is required for the whole set up to process. He will also discuss about the new soft skills courses which has been recently introduced. It will help in communication as there has been lot of violence against doctors.

Dr. Pawanindra Lal

Professor Pawanindra Lal, MS, DNB, MNAMS, MNASC, FIMSA, FCLS, FRCS (Ed.), FRCS (Glasg.), FRCS (Eng.), FACS. Dr. Pawanindra Lal is Professor of Surgery at MAMC, New Delhi. An award winning graduate from MAMC and post graduate from UCMS, Delhi, Keenly interested in teaching and laparoscopic surgery, he has more than 50 publications in national and international journals and more than 100 paper presentations. He is a member of all national surgical bodies as well as ELSA (Asia), ALS (UK) and SAGES (USA). He is the first Indian working in India who has contributed a chapter in the 25th Edition of Bailey & Loves Short Practice of Surgery in 2008. He has done pioneering work in Laparoscopic surgery in Basic Laparoscopy, TEP, GERD, Colorectal surgery and is now stepping into Metabolic surgery. He is a recipient of the Commonwealth Fellowship in Laparoscopic colorectal surgery at UK in 2007, Travelling fellowship of the Royal College with Sir Alfred Cuschieri in 1998 and several other awards. He was awarded FRCS England (ad hominem) in the year 2010. He has been awarded the prestigious International Guest Scholarship of the American College of Surgeons for the year 2012. He has been instrumental in setting up the first Clinical Skills Centre at Maulana Azad Medical College in 2006, which is first of its kind in any medical college in the country.

 More FAQs by Dr. Pawanindra Lal

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