In this video, Dr. Sunil Gupta, Diabetologist, Nagpur will talk about diabetes in pregnancy. Diabetes in pregnancy have become a public health issue. While treating gestational diabetes, two generations are taken care to avoid becoming diabetic in future life. He will further talk about gestational diabetes in details.
Dr. Sunil Gupta is a Consultant Diabetologist. Graduation and post-graduation from Indira Gandhi Govt. Medical College (IGGMC) Nagpur. Has to his credit 6 consecutive Best National Research Paper Awards from RSSDI (Research Society for Study of Diabetes in India). Presented 23 International, 30 National Papers & Published 146 Articles, Book chapters & Abstracts in National & International Journals including the prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) & American Heart Journal and Diabetes. Founder and trustee of a charitable trust of Diabetes Care Foundation of India (Nagpur).
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