Published On: 26 Sep, 2024 1:28 PM | Updated On: 23 Feb, 2025 1:23 AM

Management of Urge Urinary Incontinence in Women

Urinary incontinence (UI) is now a World Health Organization health priority. Urge UI (UUI) is defined as urine leakage associated with a hurried and irresistible desire to void urine. It adversely affects the quality of life; however, it is not always treated adequately. 

The present study evaluated the effectiveness of conservative treatment practices to neutralize UUI in women aged 40–65 years old by exploring the available literature and found

  • Inclusion of Fourteen studies.
  • Different strategies to deal with the problem of UUI, like physical alone, physical and psycho-educational, and exclusively psychological. 
  • Conservative treatments can help reduce UUI episodes in middle-aged women. However, none can be considered superior to others because of the difficulty in conducting meta-analytical analyses. 
  • Further studies must compare the effectiveness of conservative treatments for UUI.

Trapani S, Villa G, Poliani A, et al. Non-Pharmacological Management of Urge Urinary Incontinence in Women between 40 and 65 Years Old: A Systematic Review. Nursing Reports. 2024; 14(1):174-196.


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