Nomograms and Reference Values for Intracranial Ventricular Dimensions in Indian Newborns
Published On: 29 Nov, 2024 1:10 PM | Updated On: 29 Mar, 2025 4:21 PM

Nomograms and Reference Values for Intracranial Ventricular Dimensions in Indian Newborns

The present study was performed to verify normal reference values for commonly used ventricular indices – Anterior Horn Width (AHW), Ventricular Index (VI) and Thalamo-Occipital Distance (TOD) in relation to common variables including gestational age, birth weight and head circumference in Indian newborns.

This was a cross-sectional study. Cranial ultrasound was performed between post-natal days 3 to 7. Anterior fontanelle was considered as the acoustic window. Data were evaluated to determine correlation, coefficient of determination (R2), regression equations and plotted against gestational age (GA).

The results of the study demonstrated the following findings:

  • A total 2200 newborns were included in the study.
  • A significant increase in VI, AHW, and TO with advancing gestational age and higher birth weight.
  • No strong association was found between gender or singleton versus multiple gestations and the intraventricular dimensions.
  • Additionally, the mean values of the three ventricular parameters were significantly lower in the normal vaginal delivery group compared to the LSCS group. 
  • A significant link was observed between the ventricular indices of the left and right sides. 
  • Nomograms for AHW, TOD, and VI were developed according to gestational age.

To conclude, a variation can be observed in intracranial ventricular size according to gestational age and birth weight. The newly created nomograms for various ventricular indices in Indian neonates will aid in the objective assessment of ventricular sizes.

Source: Khare, A., Gaur, A.K., Mittal, M. et al. Nomograms and Reference Ranges for Intra-Cranial Ventricular Dimensions in Indian Neonates. Indian J Pediatr.2024.


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