The field of female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery (FPMRS) is a relatively new subspecialty in Obs/Gyn and urology. International Urogynecology Association and International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics released the recommended guideline for the training in FPMRS. Urogynecologists or female urologists, who have completed or qualified for FPMRS are limited in number with most of them their subspecialty services in hospitals rather than in local clinics. Although, female pelvic floor disorders (PFD) including urinary inconsistency, pelvic organ prolapse, and others have been proven to negatively impact the physiological, emotional, and sexual life of the affected individual. 26 billion dollars is an estimated financial burden in the management of PFD in the US annually. As the PDF is a universal issue for the female gender, the demand and economic need for all-around care have also increased accordingly.
In a study conducted to investigate the current knowledge and practices of Obs/Gyn associated with the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of PFD including stress urinary inconsistence, pelvic organ prolapses, lower urinary tract symptoms, and knowledge related to urodynamic study was evaluated. A questionnaire was sent to the physicians who participated in the annual congress of the Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The responses were subjected to voluntary and anonymous submission.A total of 1443 members responded out of 2000 members who attended the conference out of which 1312 copies of the questionnaire were analyzed.
It was found that 77.7% of the respondents were male doctors and 50.6% were over 55 years old. 53.7% of the physicians completed their residency training over 20 years ago. Based on the general analysis, most of the physicians expressed their willingness to gain further knowledge in the urogynaecology field for their daily practice. Also, regular delivery of the updated information about the diseases or future continuing medical programs was deemed mandatory.
Source: Wen-Chu Huang et al.,
Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 61, Issue 1, 2022,
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