
Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, and Breast Milk relieve Nipple Soreness among Lactating Mothers

Published On: 27 Mar, 2023 1:07 PM | Updated On: 19 May, 2024 4:46 PM

Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, and Breast Milk relieve Nipple Soreness among Lactating Mothers

Breastfeeding renders undeniable advantages; however, painful, sore nipples upset the mothers and may lead to stopping nursing before the commended time. 

Hence the present study explored the effect of olive oil, coconut oil, and breast milk on nipple soreness among lactating mothers. It enrolled 135 postpartum women visiting outpatient as postpartum follow-up and randomized them into three groups: Group 1 (using Olive oil), group 2 (using Coconut oil), and group 3 (Using breast milk). 

The study utilized a Nipple trauma score (NTS) to assess nipple soreness on the 1st, 7th, and 14th days post-intervention. 

The study observed-

  • A highly significant difference between the mean score of the olive oil group and the coconut oil group on the 1st, 7th, and 14th days, while there was a slightly significant difference in the breast milk group.
  • A highly significant difference between the mean scores of the three groups on the 7th and 14th day, while there was no significant difference between the three groups on the 1st day. 

This study shows that olive oil, coconut oil, and breast milk have a positive effect on the management of nipple soreness, with breast milk showing the least effect while olive oil showing the highest effect.

Hables RM, Mahrous ES. Effect of Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Breast Milk on Nipple Soreness among Lactating Mothers: Comparative Study.Egyptian Journal of Health Care.2021;12(1):987


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