In the realm of combined acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) models:
The APASL-AARC model is utilized for liver transplant decisions and reversal recovery considerations.
The CLIF/NACSELD model guides nonliver transplant care, focusing on situations where further intervention may be deemed futile. The “Traffi c Light Concept” for living donor liver transplant (LDLT) in ACLF directs to:
HOLD patients with multi-organ failure and/or sepsis, those requiring stabilization, and those with an AARC score >10.
SLOW down in potentially recoverable patients, opt for medical therapy and monitoring, with an AARC score <10, up to 7 days. © GO for transplantation in patients with an AARC score >10; urgent intervention is indicated if, on day 7, the AARC score is 13 or more.
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