Role of Maternal Vitamin D and Serum Calcium Levels on Mode of Delivery
Published On: 05 Nov, 2022 12:07 PM | Updated On: 21 May, 2024 8:30 PM

Role of Maternal Vitamin D and Serum Calcium Levels on Mode of Delivery

Vitamin D supplementation in pregnancy improves neonatal calcium metabolism and weight gain. It is given as 400 international units (IU) per day and increased to 1000 IU per day in the third trimester. Up to 4000 IU of vit D/day is safe during pregnancy. Vit D supplementation lowers the risk of pre-eclampsia, maternal infections, and preterm delivery.

Pregnant women often experience vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium metabolism. Yet there are inconsistent findings on whether vitamin D and calcium levels affect the mode of delivery, whether vaginal, instrumental, or operative. Thus, a recent retrospective cohort study by Alaujan SJ. et al. reviewed women who were admitted for delivery to establish whether there was a relationship. It included 103 women and found no statistically significant relationship between vitamin D and calcium levels and the mode of delivery. 

This study did not consider any possible vitD or calcium supplementation during pregnancy and whether that influenced the mode of delivery. Although it found that vitD levels of those with vacuum delivery were higher than those who underwent SVD or CS, this may be influenced by the low sample size. Furthermore, it found that calcium levels were within the same range in all three delivery modes ranging between 2.1 and 2.4 mmol/L. 

Further studies with a larger sample size should determine the relationship between vitamin D and calcium levels and the mode of delivery. Furthermore, they must also assess the role of vitamin D and calcium supplementation in improving pregnancy outcomes.

It is crucial to increase awareness among pregnant women on the importance of sufficient vitD and calcium levels for pregnancy and even while breastfeeding. 

Alaujan SJ, Elbahwar DE, AlAbdullah NS. Effect of Maternal Vitamin D and Serum Calcium Levels on Mode of Delivery. Open Access Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2022;5(1): 01-05.

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