Serum Zinc Levels and Diarrhoea in Children: Implications for Treatment Strategies
Published On: 07 Jul, 2023 5:40 PM | Updated On: 07 Jul, 2023 6:07 PM

Serum Zinc Levels and Diarrhoea in Children: Implications for Treatment Strategies

Diarrhea remains a significant cause of illness and death in children under five years of age, particularly in developing countries. A recent study examined the serum zinc levels of children with diarrhea and explored the relationship between diarrhea types, frequency of episodes, and zinc deficiency.

The study included a total of 402 participants who underwent Serum zinc levels measurement, while only selected subjects underwent stool microscopy and culture.

The findings revealed-

  • 84.1% of children with diarrhea and 56.2% of children without diarrhea exhibited zinc deficiency. 
  • When compared to age and gender-matched controls, children with diarrhea demonstrated significantly lower mean serum zinc levels. 
  • Zinc deficiency was particularly prevalent in children with persistent diarrhea and dysentery. 
  • Children with persistent diarrhea had significantly lower serum zinc levels than those with acute watery diarrhea.
  • A negative correlation existed between serum zinc levels and various diarrhea-related factors, including stool frequency, duration of the current episode, frequency, and duration of diarrhea episodes in the previous year, and severity of dehydration. 

These findings emphasize the importance of addressing zinc deficiency in managing diarrhea in children. Based on the results, the study supports the current recommendations by the World Health Organization regarding zinc supplementation for children with diarrhea. It also suggests that children with persistent diarrhea may require longer durations of zinc tablet treatments to address zinc deficiency effectively.

These findings have significant implications for clinical practice, highlighting the need to assess serum zinc levels in children with diarrhea routinely. Incorporating zinc supplementation as part of the standard treatment regimen for diarrhoeal episodes can potentially improve outcomes and reduce the burden of diarrhea-related morbidity and mortality in children. Additionally, healthcare providers should consider extended zinc tablet treatments for children with persistent diarrhea, considering the potential benefits of prolonged supplementation in these cases.

Ikejiaku UP, Anochie I, Nwolisa E, Iregbu F, Amamilo I. Determination of Serum Zinc Levels of under Five Children with Diarrheal Disease. Current Overview on Disease and Health Research.2023;7:64–79.

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