
The effect of Lactobites bar in Increasing Milk Production in lactating women

Published On: 21 Mar, 2024 11:55 AM | Updated On: 21 Mar, 2024 2:10 PM

The effect of Lactobites bar in Increasing Milk Production in lactating women

Breastfeeding is universally recognized as the optimal method of infant nutrition. However, women who have undergone cesarean deliveries may face challenges with milk production. To combat this issue, various strategies, such as the utilization of galactagogues, are available. Galactagogues stimulate and maintain breast milk production, ensuring the newborn's nutritional needs are met.

A recent study enrolled 53 lactating women who received lactobites bars for 28 days and found-

  • A significant increase in the hemoglobin levels in mothers receiving lactobites bars.
  •  A significant increase in hours of night and day sleep, stool frequency per day, no. of diapers per day, and height of the baby.
  •  A substantial increase in vol. of breast milk, changes in the quality of hair and skin of the mother, and the feeling of wellness in the mother. 
  • A significant reduction in formula feeding incidence. 
  • Absence of any side effects.

 This investigation proves that Lactobites bar can be prescribed as a galactagogue to increase the human milk volume in lactating women.

Malhotra N, Malhotra N, Datar N, Desai A, A study to evaluate the effect of Lactobites bar as a galactagogue to increase the production of milk in lactating women and promote overall healthy recovery of lactating mothers. Indian J Obstet Gynecol Res 2024;11(1):7-12


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