The Link Between Umbilical cord variables and gestational age in normal pregnancy and PIH
Published On: 11 Jan, 2024 11:54 AM | Updated On: 11 Jan, 2024 11:54 AM

The Link Between Umbilical cord variables and gestational age in normal pregnancy and PIH

A recent study aimed to investigate whether the antenatal assessment of cross-sectional area (CSA) of umbilical cord variables differs between pregnancies with pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) and healthy pregnant women using ultrasonography and to evaluate its correlation with gestational age.

This research was conducted in the Department of Radiodiagnosis at Sri Siddhartha Medical College, involving 600 pregnant women (300 normal and 300 with PIH) – who underwent routine prenatal gestational sonograms between 28- and 39-weeks’ gestation.

Significant differences were observed between the two groups except for the umbilical artery area in all umbilical cord variables. The mean ± standard deviation (S.D) of the CSA of umbilical cord variables for each gestational age were examined in both normal and PIH women. It was noted that the mean values of the umbilical cord area (UCA) and Wharton’s jelly area (WJA) increased until 36 weeks, after which they declined sharply in the normal group. In the PIH group, the mean value of UCA increased until 36 weeks, plateaued, and the mean value of WJA continued to increase even after 36 weeks.

This study is the first to document the CSA of umbilical cord variables and their growth patterns according to gestational age. This information can serve as an informative database for normal and PIH pregnant women. This is also the first study to report reference values and growth patterns of the cross-sectional area of umbilical cord variables, providing valuable information for Indian fetuses in both normal and PIH pregnancies. This data may enhance the prediction of adverse perinatal outcomes, particularly during or after a gestation period of 36 weeks. 

Source: Khizer Hussain Afroze M, Lakshmiprabha Subhash R. Indian J Obstet Gynecol Res. 2023;10(4):398-402

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