The usage of a novel sensorized simulation platform for real-time labor progression assessment
Published On: 13 Jan, 2023 3:13 PM | Updated On: 14 May, 2024 7:36 PM

The usage of a novel sensorized simulation platform for real-time labor progression assessment

A recent study proved the potentialities of an integrated and sensorized childbirth platform as an innovative simulator for inexperienced gynecologists and obstetricians' medical student education.

The study recruited a total of 152 inexperienced medical students in a simulation program on labor progression evaluation. After a frontal lecture on basic concepts of labor and birth given by an expert gynecologist, it simulated three different gynecological scenarios using both a traditional obstetric simulator and the innovative proposed platform for a total of 6 tests for each student. It assigned a score for each performed scenario based on its correctness. The study obtained Self-assessment questionnaires before and after the simulation program for additional subjective assessment.

It found that the median score of the simulations performed with this platform was significantly higher than that one of the simulations performed with a traditional simulator. It held true for all three experimented scenarios.

This study shows that using a sensorized platform for labor progression facilitates an accurate and faster diagnosis than a traditional simulator, even for inexperienced operators. This supports its use as a valid means for clinical training, which we could realistically introduce in the clinical practice for medical student education.

Mannella P, Tognarelli S, Pancetti F, Morchi L, Menciassi A, Simoncini T. The usage of a novel sensorized simulation platform for real-time labor progression assessment. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2022 Oct 28. doi: 10.1002/ijgo.14528. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36306404.

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