Tridax Procumbens: Natural Remedy to Accentuate Sexual Health in Men
Published On: 14 Mar, 2023 4:32 PM | Updated On: 15 May, 2024 5:52 PM

Tridax Procumbens: Natural Remedy to Accentuate Sexual Health in Men

Natural remedies are becoming increasingly popular for men looking to prevent premature ejaculation, stop premature ejaculation, and enhance their sexual health and performance.

Sexual health is an essential component of overall health and well-being, impacting self-esteem, interpersonal and family relationships. It is crucial to be aware and vigilant for any changes in sexual wellness or associated discomfort, as it can severely impact other health parameters across physical, mental, and social health domains.

Sexual dysfunction is a prevalent issue in Indian society experienced equally by both men and women. It is estimated that about 43% of women and 31% of men are affected by sexual dysfunction.1 The most prevailing sexual dysfunctions in men include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido, and arousal disorders. These may be triggered by health issues such as heart disease, hormonal imbalance, and obesity or psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic experience. Fortunately, treatments are available for those struggling with sexual dysfunction to help them lead a healthy and fulfilling sexual life. Apart from various clinical strategies such as behavioral techniques, medications, and counseling, natural remedy for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are also accessible.

The traditional medicinal plant, Tridax procumbens, benefits overall health and boost sexual wellness as it is packed with a variety of bioactive compounds. It has been shown to increase nitric oxide production, an essential compound for promoting healthy blood flow in the body. This includes an increased blood flow to the tissues of the penis, thus improving erectile function.

Studies further have revealed that Tridax procumbens can be used as a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction as it helps increase sperm motility and sperm count. Its mechanism of action has been backed by scientific studies, which suggest that it could be beneficial for male sexual performance and may improve fertility in men.

Tridax procumbens has been used for centuries as a folk remedy for sexual health and erectile dysfunction medication, and its potential to provide health benefits is now being further explored.

In conclusion, Tridax procumbens is a medicinal plant that has been traditionally used to treat various ailments, including those related to men’s sexual health. The findings of the studies confirm that Tridax procumbens could be a potential treatment for male infertility. Scientific evidence further supports Tridax’s use to improve sexual performance and alleviate erectile dysfunction.


1. Rosen RC. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2000;2(3):189–195. 

2. Salami SA, Salahdeen HM, Rahman OC, Murtala BA, and Raji Y.Oral Administration of Tridax procumbens Aqueous Leaf Extract Attenuates Reproductive Function Impairments in L-NAME Induced Hypertensive Male Rats. Middle East FertilSocJ. 2017;22(3):219-225.

3. Ankita J, Jain A; Tridax procumbens (L.): A Weed with Immense Medicinal Importance: A Review.Int J Pharma and Bio Sci.2012;3(1):P544–P552.

4. Samantha B, Heather M, Toma T, Esli-Armando C-J, Olga K. A Review of Medicinal Uses and Pharmacological Activities of Tridax Procumbens (L.).Accessed from H, Sharma S, Jain GC. Evaluation of Ameliorative Efficacy of Tridax Procumbens on the Sexual Performance of Male Rats with Alloxan-induced Diabetes.CIBTech JPharm Sci. 2014;3:50–59.

5. Salami SA, Salahdeen HM, Balogun ZA, Murtala BA, Raji Y. Mechanisms in Tridax procumbensLeaf Extract Reversal of Paroxetine-induced Erectile Dysfunction in Corpus Cavernosum of Male Wistar Rats. Biomed ResTher. 2021;8(6):4405–4416.

6. Ingole VV, Mhaske PC, Katade SR. Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Aspects of Tridaxprocumbens(L.): A Systematic and Comprehensive Review. Phytomed Plus. 2022;2(1):100199.

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