Eczema is a prevalent skin condition, with atopic dermatitis being the most widespread type. This form of eczema typically starts in infancy and affects approximately 15 to 20% of children. Children with eczema have sensitive skin that can be easily irritated by factors such as heat, sweating, rough clothing, and certain soaps and detergents. Many children with atopic dermatitis may have allergies to foods, pets, dust mites, and pollen, but these allergies typically do not cause eczema. In rare cases, some children may develop allergies to ingredients in their skincare products or clothing.
Eczema manifests as red, dry, itchy patches due to inflammation, and the itching can be intense and persistent. Constant scratching can lead to blisters, crusting, and infections, and if the condition persists, the skin may become thick, leathery, and darker. In infants, eczema often affects the face, scalp, arms, and legs, while older children may have it primarily in the creases of their elbows and knees. Some severe cases may involve the entire body.
Eczema usually resolves on its own as the child grows older and reaches school age or puberty. Currently, there is no cure for eczema, but it is personalised for each patient can usually be managed with proper skin care. Regular doctor visits are important to monitor treatment effectiveness, which may need adjustments based on seasonal changes or the child’s age.
Topical Treatments: Apply topical medications to affected areas up to twice daily, ensuring to use them before moisturizers and waiting at least 30 minutes after application. Stronger topical steroids might be required for brief periods during flare-ups. See your physician if, after a week, there is no improvement. As the condition improves, the frequency of topical treatment can often be reduced.
Moisturizers: Keeping the skin hydrated is crucial. Drink plenty of water and apply a thick layer of moisturizer 30 minutes after topical treatments, using ointments or creams rather than lotions. Steer clear of pump-bottle moisturisers because they are typically less effective.
Antihistamines: Drugs like hydroxyzine and diphenhydramine can help alleviate itching, especially when taken before bed. For children with other allergic symptoms, non-sedating antihistamines such as cetirizine or loratadine can be taken in the morning.
Wet Wraps: After applying topical steroids, wet dressings can enhance medication absorption. Products like Tubifast or wet cotton pajamas can be used, especially overnight, to improve treatment effectiveness and moisture retention.
To summarize, eczema is a dermatological condition typified by papules with serous contents, swelling and itching, which can vary in appearance and severity. Although it is associated with allergic reactions, several factors, such as extended exposure to allergens and metabolic disorders, pathologies of the nervous and endocrine systems can play a role in its development.
Source: Pattoyevich GA, Nilufar M. CHILDREN'S ECZEMA AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ITS TREATMENT. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences and Educational Practices. Jan 27, 2025. [Internet] [cited Feb 26, 2025]. Available at:
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