What is a dry chemistry test?
Written By: user Dr. Sunil Dargar
Published On: 18 Dec, 2021 8:20 AM | Updated On: 12 Mar, 2025 11:55 AM

What is a dry chemistry test?

In this video, Dr. Sunil Dargar, MBBS, MD, Pathologist, New Delhi, will explain about dry chemistry tests. Dry chemistry means that there is no conventional liquid utilized. It is a reflected light photometry whereas in conventional chemistry, it is transmitted light photometry. In dry chemistry, there are multiple sandwiched layers, chemical reacting substances and when serum or plasma is added, it has to pass through layers of filtered materials goes through the different chemicals and finally reaches a chromogenic layer which causes a colour change in intensity measured as concentration of that particular analyzed sugar, cholesterol, urea, etc. The results of dry chemistry are comparable with any other methods of wet chemistry. The only drawback of these tests are that they are little expensive as compared to the conventional liquid chemistry tests.


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