What is direct HDL test?
Written By: user Dr. Sunil Dargar
Published On: 03 Nov, 2021 8:11 PM | Updated On: 11 Mar, 2025 4:49 PM

What is direct HDL test?

In this video, Dr. Sunil Dargar, MBBS, MD, Pathologist, New Delhi, will explain about direct high density lipoprotein (HDL) test. HDL is known to be a protective lipoprotein. Dr. Dargar will discuss about the misconception that the direct HDL test is more reliable. But there is no difference between the HDL which is detected by indirect precipitation method and HDL which is detected directly using the chemical reagent. He will also discuss the difference between the two methods. Thus, for doctors it doesn’t make any difference with any of these methods, rest assured that the tests are done properly and the values are correct.


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