What is pemphigus?
Written By: user Dr. J S Pasricha
Published On: 28 Dec, 2021 9:57 PM | Updated On: 12 Mar, 2025 10:02 AM

What is pemphigus?

Dr. J S Pasricha, Retired Professor, Department of Dermatology and Venereology, AIIMS, will talk about pemphigus in this video. It is a serious disorder which can be fatal. It can produce ulcers in the mouth and can also lead to ulcers in the skin, blisters on the skin etc. These ulcers generally do not heal. These ulcers are very painful and can become infected. The treatment for pemphigus is corticosteroids which has to be taken for long time. Long time treatment of corticosteroids also has side effects.


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