
What is the description of Savitri Satyavan in our mythology?

Published On: 02 Jan, 2022 12:50 AM | Updated On: 21 Dec, 2024 9:54 PM

What is the description of Savitri Satyavan in our mythology?

The video talks about the description of Savitri Satyavan in mythology by Dr. K K Aggarwal, President Heart Care Foundation of India and Group Editor in Chief MEDtalks. Satyavan was married to Savitri. She marries Satyavan even after knowing that he is at a high risk of sudden death. When he had a cardiac arrest, she fought with Yamraj and brought him back. Dr. Aggarwal will relate this story to the modern medicine and explain Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with respect to this story.

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