
What is the difference between Shruti vs Smriti in Vedas?

Published On: 05 Dec, 2021 5:27 PM | Updated On: 21 Dec, 2024 8:14 PM

What is the difference between Shruti vs Smriti in Vedas?

The video talks about Shruti vs Smriti in Vedas by Dr. K K Aggarwal, Padma Shri Awardee, Editor-in-chief, IJCP Publications. Shruti is the original knowledge about self and smriti is the interpretation of that. He will further explain these in Vedas. During olden times, the stories of Vedic knowledge were spread in the form of songs and stories. These stories are known as purans. There are lots of purans. In today’s world, the original articles are Shruti’s and the review articles are Smriti’s.

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