What is the red-line campaign?
Written By: user Dr. Sunil Gupta
Published On: 23 Dec, 2021 3:49 PM | Updated On: 26 Mar, 2025 6:46 PM

What is the red-line campaign?

In this video, Dr. Sunil Gupta, Additional Director, NCDC, will discuss about the red-line campaign. Dr. Sunil explains that as the name suggests the red line means a red line is put on the packaging of two dozen antibiotics and antimicrobials which are identified by the Ministry. The purpose is that these antibiotics should not be sold over the counter without prescription of a medical practitioner. This red line campaign was launched by the honorable Health Minister in February 2016. This was a mass awareness campaign. The antibiotics which are included in this red line campaign are quinolones, cephalosporin and carbapenems. This campaign was to create awareness among public to avoid self-medication and follow medical practitioner’s advice.


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