When should we start biologics Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Published On: 28 Jan, 2022 7:13 PM | Updated On: 01 Apr, 2025 5:08 AM

When should we start biologics Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Dr. Ved Chaturvedi, Rheumatologist, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi will discuss when to start biologics in rheumatoid arthritis in this video. 80 – 90 % of patients will respond to the common drugs. If after certain period the stop responding, switch to other disease modifying agent and still no improvement, then can start with biologics. Dr. Chaturvedi will further discuss the how and which biologics to start with in RA patients.

Dr. Ved Chaturvedi

A well-known rheumatologist. Completed DM in Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology from prestigious SGPGI, Lucknow. Has published many papers and has been the guest speakers in most of the national & international Rheumatology conferences. Pioneering work on medical arthroscopy, Rheumatology ultrasound and low dose infliximab are widely acclaimed. His area of research interest includes newer drugs for Rheumatic diseases & Synovial study.

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