Why wheat is considered as a problem to Indian people?
Written By: user Dr. Ishi Khosla
Published On: 22 Dec, 2021 8:53 AM | Updated On: 07 Mar, 2025 8:32 AM

Why wheat is considered as a problem to Indian people?

In this video, Dr. Ishi Khosla, Clinical Nutritionist, Delhi, will discuss whether wheat is a problem to Indian people. Wheat has a protein called gluten which is not completely digestible by any human being. There are 1-2% of people who cannot digest wheat in any form and in such people the absorption of the gut is damaged. She will further explain about undiagnosed and diagnosed celiac disease. The diagnosis of the celiac disease is very difficult. She will further explain about wheat allergy and its symptoms too. Non-celiac disease which is a new disease entity is seen nowadays and Dr. Khosla will further discuss about it.

Dr. Ishi Khosla

Ms. Ishi Khosla is a practicing clinical nutritionist, columnist, author, an entrepreneur, researcher and welfare worker. She is actively involved in clinical practice at the Centre For Dietary Counseling in Delhi where she deals with a wide range of nutrition related health problems including obesity, diabetes, cardio-vascular disease, food allergies, digestive, immune system, neuro psychiatric and endocrine disorders in adults and children.

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