Sore throat
A Common Ailment.1
Often caused by viral or bacterial infections.1
Allergies or Smoke can also cause Sore throat.
Proper treatment can give quick relief.
A Sore Throat may Cause
- Throat pain.1
- Fever.1
- Swollen neck glands.1
- White patches of pus on the throat.1
- Scratchy feeling or dryness over the throat.2
- Difficulty while swallowing.2
- A hoarse or muffled voice.2
- Immediately
Immediately Contact your Healthcare Provider if you Experience:
- Difficulty breathing.1
- Blood tinted saliva.3
- Skin rash.4
- Inability to swallow .3
- Swelling of the neck or tongue.3
- Or have long-standing illnesses or medications that weaken your immune system.1
Tips for Managing a Sore Throat at Home
- Don't take antibiotics for viral infections, instead, use Povidone Iodine gargle to decrease viral and bacterial load on the throat.5
- You may take over-the-counter pain relievers, and use an anesthetic spray.1
- Suck on vitamin C tablets, and lick honey to soothe your throat.6
- Avoid smoking and smoky environments.
- Use a clean humidifier or cool mist vaporizer to add moisture to the air and relieve dryness in the throat.6
- Stay well-hydrated with plenty of fluids and warm beverages.1
- Eat soft food.
Get adequate rest and return to your daily activities once you feel better.1
Tips for Preventing Sore Throat
- Wash hands frequently.2
- Avoid close contact with individuals suffering from infections.2
- Use tissues while coughing or sneezing.2
If you have Strep Throat-
- Stay home until you have completed 24 hours of antibiotics.
- Treatment will improve your symptoms within 24 hours, and you become less contagious.
Prioritize personal hygiene and seek medical advice for a swift recovery and minimize the impact on your daily life.
- Krüger K, Töpfner N, Berner R, et al. Clinical Practice Guideline: Sore Throat. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2021;118(11):188-94. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.m2021.0121. PMID: 33602392; PMCID: PMC8245861.
- Sharma V, Sheekha J. Understanding about Recurrent Sore Throat among School Going Adolescent Children. HmlynJrAppl Med Scie Res. 2023; 4(1):9-12
- Centor RM, Samlowski R. Avoiding Sore Throat Morbidity and Mortality: When Is It Not “Just a Sore Throat?”. Am Fam Physician. 2011;83(1):26-28
- Wilson M, Wilson PJK. Sore Throat. In: Close Encounters of the Microbial Kind. Springer, Cham. 2021.
- Naqvi SHS, Citardi MJ, Cattano D. et al. Povidone-iodine solution as SARS-CoV-2 prophylaxis for procedures of the upper aerodigestive tract a theoretical framework. J of Otolaryngol - Head & Neck Surg. 2020; 49:77.
- Collins JC, Moles RJ. Management of Respiratory Disorders and the Pharmacist's Role: Cough, Colds, and Sore Throats and Allergies (Including Eyes). Encyclopedia of Pharmacy Practice and Clinical Pharmacy. 2019: 282-291.